All Classes and Interfaces

Serialization class to convert Gazepoint specified XML to plain old java objects.
Abstract class for Adaptations.
JSON Request model to send via websocket { 'type': 'invoke', 'name': 'adaptation', 'adaptation': { 'state': 0/1 -> on/off 'type': deemphasis/highlighting 'strength': [0,1] (float) } }
Loosely follows Mediator design pattern of a subsystem of components.
Generically typed buffer that supports Asynchronous operations.
Quick Serialiation class that converts true/false to 1/0 for JSON serialization
Unused but provides a starting point for deserializing an array of bytes into INDArray
ColorAdaptation is an example of an Adaptation with no set strength value.
5.13 Cursor position Description: The position of the mouse cursor.
The Deemphasis adaptation reduces opacity of surrounding elements.
Static grabber file to obtain Class types for Xml deserialization.
Connects to GP3 and reads data.
Intended use of this file is to implement a 'window' in which gaze can be analyzed and conclusions/predictions can be drawn.
Serialization object for as specified by gazepoint documentation When sendingthis to gazepoint socket, the device will return
The highlighting adaptation emphasizes and increases visual prominence of elements.
Serializes an INDArray to a byte array
Serializes 1 -> true and 0 -> false
{ 'type': 'invoke, 'name': }
This is a hacky one time use to make training data for participants.
Data structure class used to generate training data for deep learning models.
Implements GazeAPI for real time processing of gaze data.
Unused but left for folder structure and future bi-directional communication with visualization and java server.
The composer handles analyzing and processing of gaze data and invocating adaptive changes.